Most Recent Work
Video director, concept artist and animator of Iron & Wine Lyric video
Animated, directed, and story-boarded by Nebila Oguz. All animations done using Blender.
Creative Demo Reel
All videos were animated, story boarded and directed by Nebila Oguz.
In order of appearance:
1. Commissioned music video for Iron & Wine's song "That's How You Know".
2. Commissioned music video for Postmortemdemon's "Nightmare".
3. Clip from a current work in progress, "Amadeus".
4. Commissioned music video for Noah Wood's "LA"
5. Animated short, personal project.
Motion Graphics Reel
This is a demo reel of my more classic motion graphics work I completed during my Animation Bootcamp course run by School of Motion. All animations were done using After Effects. Visuals provided by the School of Motion.
Commissioned by Sid Diamond

Stills from a work in progress

Stills from a work in progress