Most Recent Work

Video director, concept artist and animator of Iron & Wine Lyric video

Animated, directed, and story-boarded by Nebila Oguz. All animations done using Blender.

Creative Demo Reel

All videos were animated, story boarded and directed by Nebila Oguz.

In order of appearance:

1. Commissioned music video for Iron & Wine's song "That's How You Know".

2. Commissioned music video for Postmortemdemon's "Nightmare".

3. Clip from a current work in progress, "Amadeus".

4. Commissioned music video for Noah Wood's "LA"

5. Animated short, personal project.

Motion Graphics Reel

This is a demo reel of my more classic motion graphics work I completed during my Animation Bootcamp course run by School of Motion. All animations were done using After Effects. Visuals provided by the School of Motion.


Commissioned by Sid Diamond